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Dr. Id's 24 Hour Hotline

Dr. Id Buy the Comic
Put a price on happiness just this once

   New! Try Dr. Id's therapies at home via the PDF version.

New! Fixate on Jim Hanley's Universe as the one place to buy Dr. Id at the 2008 New York Comic Con - stop by Booth #1613, appointment optional!

New! Click over to our good friends at the Copacetic Comics Company, where the casebook of Dr. Id is archived plentifully and ready for purchase.

New! If you're a retailer wishing to stock (or re-stock) the comic, please contact our sales rep, Tony Shenton, for caring nurturance and reasonable rates ( or 888-789-6147).

...and believe you deserve our shelf-talker, available for download right here and suitable for bonding your customers to our comics! (General and Ignatz Award versions are available.)

Old! Ask your local comic shop to order a copy. Comic-industry economics challenge even Dr. Id's sense of normalcy, but work like this: Publishers are asked to print as many as retailers order, and retailers order based on apparent demand. So ask for Dr. Id at your local comic shop, and don't be afraid to ask where there's a local comic shop, at, wait for it:

Comic Shop Locator Service: 1-888-COMICBOOK (1-888-266-4226) or

Caring assistants will talk you through your first time. Tell the retailers it's in the August Diamond PREVIEWS (the bible of the comics marketplace), coming to stores October 25 (order code #AUG06 3403); meanwhile, enjoy the synopsis they can read therein:

Dr. Id, Psychologist of the Supernatural
by Adam McGovern & Paolo Leandri

Suffering from an age of anxiety? Dr. Id's got the back of your mind! Follow the surreal shrink's mental gymnastics as he leads troubled souls to super-empowerment. The Dr. Id special tells seven absorbing stories from his peak years in the self-obsessed '70s. With modern sarcasm and classic art, this book is perfect for both the hardcore comics fan and the new mainstream reader searching for their inner geek.

One-shot, B&W, 32pgs, $2.95

Do you feel you just need more to go on? Let your opinion be influenced by what some of the pros are saying.

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